Arsip Software MikroTik RouterOS

Pilihlah file yang akan di download

 Nama FileUkuranDownload
all_packages-mipsbe-6.14.zip10.41 MByte2337
all_packages-mipsle-6.14.zip10.62 MByte196
all_packages-ppc-6.14.zip16.17 MByte312
all_packages-tile-6.14.zip14.99 MByte228
all_packages-x86-6.14.zip16.5 MByte360
mikrotik-6.14.iso20.14 MByte2968
netinstall-6.14.zip17.6 MByte660
routeros-mipsbe-6.14.npk10.13 MByte1159
routeros-mipsle-6.14.npk11.98 MByte160
routeros-powerpc-6.14.npk16.89 MByte231
routeros-tile-6.14.npk15.45 MByte155
routeros-x86-6.14.npk15.38 MByte438
wireless-fp-6.14-mipsbe.npk1 MByte191
wireless-fp-6.14-mipsle.npk1008.08 KByte74
wireless-fp-6.14-ppc.npk1.77 MByte74
wireless-fp-6.14-tile.npk1.2 MByte110
wireless-fp-6.14.npk1.45 MByte138
What's new in 6.14 (2014-Jun-06 15:34):

*) sntp - 'mode' now is a read-only property, it is set to broadcast if no
server ip address is specified;
*) smb - fixed some SMB1 errors;
*) wireless-fp package is now included in routeros one (disabled by default);
*) webfig - fixed quickset, it didn't work with disabled wireless pacakge;
*) sstp - fixed problem where session was closed every 2min;
*) pptp,l2tp,pppoe - fixed problem where some of the static bindings
become dynamic interfaces;
*) eoip - lowered default MTU to avoid IP packet fragmentation;
*) eoip - added clamp-tcp-mss setting with default=yes for new tunnels to avoid
IP packet fragmentation;
*) fixed - bridge could sometimes get added without "running" flag;
*) fixed - simple queues could sometimes crash router;
*) fixed - simple queue stats freeze (empty winbox queue window);
*) ssh server - allow none cipher;
*) proxy - added 'anonymous' option which will skip adding X-* and Via headers;
*) dhcp server - added option use-framed-as-classless and
added support for DHCP-Classless-Static-Route RADIUS attribute;
*) quickset - fixed problem where address mode selection did not work in
bridge mode;
*) ipv6 address - fixed problem where changing advertise lost ipv6 connected route;

x86 : untuk PC dan RB230
mipsbe : untuk RB400, RB700, RB900, Groove, Omnitik, SXT, Metal, Sextant
mipsle : untuk RB100 dan RB500
smips : untuk RB941-2nD (hAP)
ppc/powerpc : untuk RB600, RB800, RB1000
tile : untuk Cloud Core Router (mulai versi 6)

- File iso: untuk membuat CD instalasi
- netinstall: untuk melakukan netinstall
- routeros.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi
- all_packages.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi secara parsial per paket
- wireless-fp.*.npk: paket tambahan untuk wireless controller

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Last modified: February 26 2021 11:14:12.