Arsip Software MikroTik RouterOS

Pilihlah file yang akan di download

 Nama FileUkuranDownload
all_packages-mipsbe-6.0rc8.zip10.71 MByte973
all_packages-mipsle-6.0rc8.zip10.69 MByte176
all_packages-ppc-6.0rc8.zip16.06 MByte75
all_packages-tile-6.0rc8.zip15.28 MByte67
all_packages-x86-6.0rc8.zip15.98 MByte132
mikrotik-6.0rc8.iso18.33 MByte1342
netinstall-6.0rc8.zip16.45 MByte199
routeros-mipsbe-6.0rc8.npk9.44 MByte133
routeros-mipsle-6.0rc8.npk9.45 MByte34
routeros-powerpc-6.0rc8.npk14.91 MByte58
routeros-tile-6.0rc8.npk14.06 MByte28
routeros-x86-6.0rc8.npk13.34 MByte95
What's new in 6.0rc8 (2013-Feb-04 13:25):

*) ppp,pppoe,pptp,l2tp,sstp - only 2 change mss mangle rules are created for all ppp interfaces;
*) wireless - fixed AES encryption speed issues (upgrade suggested);
*) dhcpv6 server - handle info requests;
*) webfig - compressed all html resource files, speeds up opening of webfig page;
*) console - reduced width of address column in '/user print';
*) simple queues requires target arg to be specified when adding;
*) do not count packets for unknown protocols as rx_dropped;
*) snmp - provide POE info;
*) improved cpu usage reporting on CCR boards;
*) improved interface reading performance;
*) changed CLI interface order - first are ethernets, second wireless, third everything else.
Within group interfaces are ordered by name;
*) interfaces are deleted much faster, could be bottleneck on systems with many ppp sessions;
*) pptp,l2tp,6to4 tunnel encapsulation/decapsulation now resets packet marks to
have consistent behavior across tunnels;
*) fix simple queue interface matching when doing encapsulation in some tunnel,
could result in double accounted packets;
*) ip/ipv6 firewall has all-ether,all-wireless,all-vlan,all-ppp interface matchers
*) queue limits could be inaccurate for large limits (100M or more);

x86 : untuk PC dan RB230
mipsbe : untuk RB400, RB700, RB900, Groove, Omnitik, SXT, Metal, Sextant
mipsle : untuk RB100 dan RB500
smips : untuk RB941-2nD (hAP)
ppc/powerpc : untuk RB600, RB800, RB1000
tile : untuk Cloud Core Router (mulai versi 6)

- File iso: untuk membuat CD instalasi
- netinstall: untuk melakukan netinstall
- routeros.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi
- all_packages.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi secara parsial per paket
- wireless-fp.*.npk: paket tambahan untuk wireless controller

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Last modified: February 26 2021 11:14:12.