Arsip Software MikroTik RouterOS

Pilihlah file yang akan di download

 Nama FileUkuranDownload
all_packages-mipsbe-6.0rc6.zip10.6 MByte600
all_packages-mipsle-6.0rc6.zip10.6 MByte48
all_packages-ppc-6.0rc6.zip15.98 MByte93
all_packages-tile-6.0rc6.zip15.22 MByte88
all_packages-x86-6.0rc6.zip15.87 MByte166
mikrotik-6.0rc6.iso18.27 MByte1412
netinstall-6.0rc6.zip16.46 MByte129
routeros-mipsbe-6.0rc6.npk9.36 MByte96
routeros-mipsle-6.0rc6.npk9.4 MByte25
routeros-powerpc-6.0rc6.npk14.85 MByte32
routeros-tile-6.0rc6.npk14.06 MByte32
routeros-x86-6.0rc6.npk13.28 MByte84
What's new in 6.0rc6 (2012-Dec-21 12:20):

*) fixed problem - netinstall for x86 did not work;
*) lcd - added take-screenshot command;
*) lcd - fixed calibration, fresh boards no longer require recalibration;
*) optimize memory usage - makes 32Mb routerboards more stable;
*) support BandRich modems with newer firmware;
*) ipsec - authentication using certificate store but without CRL checking for now;
*) added feature - flash can be partitioned on routerboards and
separate versions can be installed on each of them (requires latest firmware);
*) fixed problem - after restoring backup, it gets restored again on every reboot;
*) improved router performance when dhcp client/server present in system;
*) fixed vlan on bond after reboot;
*) fixed occasional queue kernel crash;

x86 : untuk PC dan RB230
mipsbe : untuk RB400, RB700, RB900, Groove, Omnitik, SXT, Metal, Sextant
mipsle : untuk RB100 dan RB500
smips : untuk RB941-2nD (hAP)
ppc/powerpc : untuk RB600, RB800, RB1000
tile : untuk Cloud Core Router (mulai versi 6)

- File iso: untuk membuat CD instalasi
- netinstall: untuk melakukan netinstall
- routeros.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi
- all_packages.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi secara parsial per paket
- wireless-fp.*.npk: paket tambahan untuk wireless controller

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Last modified: February 26 2021 11:14:12.