Arsip Software MikroTik RouterOS

Pilihlah file yang akan di download

 Nama FileUkuranDownload
all_packages-mipsbe-6.0.zip10.79 MByte7106
all_packages-mipsle-6.0.zip10.76 MByte586
all_packages-ppc-6.0.zip16.46 MByte7505
all_packages-tile-6.0.zip15.37 MByte386
all_packages-x86-6.0.zip16.05 MByte2519
mikrotik-6.0.iso18.39 MByte12758
netinstall-6.0.zip17.29 MByte7558
routeros-mipsbe-6.0.npk9.52 MByte4788
routeros-mipsle-6.0.npk9.52 MByte401
routeros-powerpc-6.0.npk15.29 MByte644
routeros-tile-6.0.npk14.13 MByte315
routeros-x86-6.0.npk13.42 MByte3763
What's new in 6.0 (2013-May-17 14:04):

*) ipsec - added /peer passive option which will prevent starting ISAKMP negotiation
and signifies xauth responder/initiator side;
*) RouterBOARD - default wireless config now includes password - serial number;
*) lte - support YOTA WLTUBA-107;
*) console - fixed crash when variable name was not specified for
*) hotspot - added mac-cookie login method;
*) lcd - show a message when system shutdown is complete;
*) lcd - added Log screen which is accessible through the Main Menu
and shows log messages where action=echo;
*) ipsec - added pre-shared-key-xauth and rsa-signature-hybrid authentication methods;
*) increased max l2mtu on CCR to 10226 bytes;
*) fixed crash on RB1200;
*) fixed bonding - did not work after remove, undo;
*) fixed queues - router could become unresponsive when configuring queues;

x86 : untuk PC dan RB230
mipsbe : untuk RB400, RB700, RB900, Groove, Omnitik, SXT, Metal, Sextant
mipsle : untuk RB100 dan RB500
smips : untuk RB941-2nD (hAP)
ppc/powerpc : untuk RB600, RB800, RB1000
tile : untuk Cloud Core Router (mulai versi 6)

- File iso: untuk membuat CD instalasi
- netinstall: untuk melakukan netinstall
- routeros.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi
- all_packages.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi secara parsial per paket
- wireless-fp.*.npk: paket tambahan untuk wireless controller

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Last modified: February 26 2021 11:14:12.