Arsip Software MikroTik RouterOS

Pilihlah file yang akan di download

 Nama FileUkuranDownload
all_packages-mipsbe-5.3.zip13.38 MByte671
all_packages-mipsle-5.3.zip12.62 MByte120
all_packages-ppc-5.3.zip19.47 MByte146
all_packages-x86-5.3.zip17.85 MByte206
mikrotik-5.3.iso20.57 MByte1418
netinstall-5.3.zip14.14 MByte291
routeros-mipsbe-5.3.npk11.48 MByte359
routeros-mipsle-5.3.npk10.8 MByte54
routeros-powerpc-5.3.npk17.75 MByte55
routeros-x86-5.3.npk14.98 MByte217
What's new in 5.3 (2011-Apr-29 15:05):

*) snmp - fix table get next with partial row keys;
*) snmp - respond from correct source address when multiple exist;
*) snmp - fix possible interface disappearing when walking ipNetToMediaTable;
*) snmp - fix possible memory leak;
*) ipsec - flush SAs and inform peer when rebooting or shutting down;
*) openvpn - fixed crash;
*) implemented terminal in WebFig;
*) implemented Skin mode in WebFig;
*) added support for more Broadcom Tigon3 based ethernet cards;
*) winbox - fixed byte to KiB, MiB and GiB conversion
(digit after decimal point could be a bit off);
*) console - align numbers right in tabular print output;
*) fixed RB450G, RB750G switch chip slow ethernet problem;
*) fix vlan disable not taking effect;
*) userman - fix Authorize.Net payment bypass;
*) userman - added profile option to overwrite shared users option
in user settings when profile is activated;
*) userman - fix db backup if it's size exceeds 2G;
*) wireless - merged ht-extension-channels in to channel-width;

x86 : untuk PC dan RB230
mipsbe : untuk RB400, RB700, RB900, Groove, Omnitik, SXT, Metal, Sextant
mipsle : untuk RB100 dan RB500
smips : untuk RB941-2nD (hAP)
ppc/powerpc : untuk RB600, RB800, RB1000
tile : untuk Cloud Core Router (mulai versi 6)

- File iso: untuk membuat CD instalasi
- netinstall: untuk melakukan netinstall
- routeros.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi
- all_packages.*.npk: untuk mengupgrade versi secara parsial per paket
- wireless-fp.*.npk: paket tambahan untuk wireless controller

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Last modified: February 26 2021 11:14:12.